COVID- 19 Lab Screening Package

Requirements Analysis · Functional Specifications
Customizations · Testing · Release Curation
Installation · Server platform, back-ups and security
Data Migration
LIMS Configuration · Localization · Branding
Start-up Assistance
Project Management and Quality Assurance
Post-implementation maintenance, tech and user support
Example COVID -19 Workflows

Specimen Types
Nasopharyngeal (NP) swab
Oropharyngeal (OP) swab
Nasopharyngeal wash/aspirate or nasal aspirate (NA)
Nasal middle-turbinate (NMT) swab Deep Nasal Swab
Anterior nares specimen (NS)
Bronchoalveolar lavage
Tracheal aspirate
Pleural fluid
Lung biopsy
Buccal swab
RNA Extraction
bioMérieux NucliSENS easyMAG
BioRad GS-1, Nimbus
Qiagen EZ1 Advanced XL, QIAcube
Roche MagNA Pure 96
Thermo Scientific KingFisher Flex

Agilent AriaMx
Applied Biosystems I7500/7900, IStep-One
BioRad CFX 96, MiniOpticon
Cepheid SmartCycler
Genfirst SLAN 96
LightCycler Nano
Molecular Biosystems Mic qPCR
Qiagen Rotor-Gene Q, Dx
QuantStudio 5, Dx
Roche Cobas z 480, LightCycler 480 II
Selinion Viasure 96 RTPCR
Thermo Fisher StepOne-plus, BRAHMS Kryptor compact PLUS, PikoReal, Sensititre ARIS 2X, Sensititre OptiRead, TaqPath

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